
The ATOL Reporting Accountants' scheme has been developed by the CAA in order to help improve the standard of ATOL reporting and to provide assurance that financial information which is submitted on behalf of ATOL holders is accurate. As members of the scheme, you can be assured that your in safe hands.


We advise a variety of businesses operating in the travel and tour industry and have a detailed understanding of the issues and complexities facing companies in this sector. We offer a full range of accountancy, tax and business advice to travel and tour companies and are also registered as ATOL Reporting Accountants (ARA).


ATOL Reporting Accountant Scheme


From April 2016 all ATOL members are required to use an ATOL Reporting Accountant (ARA) to complete their Annual ATOL Report. The CAA introduced the scheme in a measure to improve the reliability of the reporting and to reduce the risk in the marketplace.

Accreditation means that we have undergone specialist training and tests to ensure we have comprehensive knowledge of the rules. We are also required to undertake continuous professional development to maintain and develop our expertise.

Although we typically provide accounts and ATOL reporting services to our clients, we are happy to work alongside your existing accountant to provide only the ATOL reporting if you wish.

Motor and transport is one of the key industries in the UK worth £126.6bn to the UK economy. Our partner led team, has the sector knowledge to ensure that your issues can be understood and resolved rapidly, enabling you to maximise profits and increase shareholder value. The motor and transport sector encompasses a wide range of clients. We view the sector in two key areas, automotive and transport.


  • Motor dealerships.
  • Repairs specialists & mechanics.
  • Car hire.
  • Chauffer and taxi services.
  • Transport